it's been about a month since my last post, and a bit too long to catch up on just about everything.
so, i'll do my best to keep it short and sweet. or just sweet. i know myself too well.
first things first, i had to back out of the long distance relay i so badly wanted to do. i feel as though i had to let my team down and myself, but larger things called. Namely, the one month we were not just "not trying", but actually trying not to get pregnant, wouldn't you know there were other plans in store. I'm about 8 weeks along now, and I'm sure that a ton of people do crazier things in their first trimester. However, after my husband getting the green light from the oncologist to procreate in late august, we'd been attempting to take over the world by doing just that every. month. until december.
i'm a bit of a planner when it comes to these sorts of little 9 month speedbumps. so i looked at my calendar multiple times a day calculating my fertility window practically down to the hour. and then i'd recheck a few more times all before midday just to ensure my days were correct. i know, a little ocd of me. but let's move on.
i was beginning to think that i was going to have to trade in for a younger model who wasn't defective. i kid. it was more along the lines of trading in a husband for a turkey baster. We had banked future 1/2 progeny in case we may not be able to conceive naturally. so at the end of the year, when i found out about this most awesome race, i decided that world domination would have to wait, at least until after march 6.
lo and behold, i succumbed to my husband's pleas for "fun," and despite my perfect calculations, another little sprout began to form. apparently, at least one of his troops is prepped for world domination as it hid out in my hostile environment of a body waiting stealthily for days for the perfect moment to make itself known.
great. i'm pretty sure i drank after sperm met egg.
anywho, all seemed well at the first prenatal visit. but back to my decision to quit the race.
ugh. that sounds as horrible as it was to do.
i know that people have run half marathons or more. and great for them, but getting pregnant is something more important beyond any race i could complete. heck, it's an endurance event on its own.
plus, the stress of planning was way too much. and if this pregnancy is anything like my last, i'll be pulled over in parking lots napping any chance i get. so, a weekend without much sleep, lots of driving in a cramped car, and running my 18 or so miles in 36 hours. i'm afraid that for now, i had to pass.
so, i did. i thought maybe i could just be a driver for the team.....
so there is my selfish decision. only, i was the one who lost very much time and money and energy. it's whatever. there's always next year!
for the next few months, my running escapades will be toned down, if not completely non existent. i just have to get past being so sleepy. seriously. and because i haven't quite turned that corner, it's now time for my nap. yeah, i know. i'm on nursing home time. it happens.
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